Nebraska News Desk

“There’s a Sucker Born Every Minute” is Attributed to P. T. Barnum – Over a Million Malware is Released Daily, and This is a Fact

February 17
03:25 2021
No one really knows how many suckers are born every minute, but it is well known that over a million malware is released daily, and it only takes one to ruin your computer.

Plano, TX, USA – February 16, 2021 – It is disputable who said the phrase “There’s a sucker born every minute” for the first time, but it was said in the 1800s. Nowadays, for sure, more than one sucker is born each minute, and it only takes one sucker to ruin someone’s life.

The same is true with computer malware. It only takes one malware infection to ruin many people’s lives. It is a lot easier to avoid a sucker than it is to avoid a computer infection. The worst part is, in many instances, computers get hacked and sensitive data stolen without anyone ever knowing, thus compromising individuals, businesses, and even national security.

As a recent example of this, the SolarWinds hack affected many agencies of the US government and over 18,000 companies around the globe, causing billions of dollars in damage to the global economy. Beyond the monetary cost comes the worst part. The hackers, supposedly members of the Russian government, had infiltrated for months some of the most sensitive areas of the US government, including nuclear facilities. And no one knows for sure what documents were accessed or stolen.

The intriguing part is, some of the major hi-tech companies responsible for the security of our computers got compromised by the SolarWinds hacking. They are supposed to be the ones offering security to their customers and not be the victims themselves, but they were.

The first question is, why did this happen? And the answer is simple. Since all computers are alike and using like software, once hackers gets inside a computer using the many methods available, they can stay stealth for months or even years.

And the second question is, is there hope? The situation appears hopeless since the hi-tech companies responsible for keeping everyone from being hacked got hacked themselves. Well, don’t fret, because there is hope – Atense Computer Vaccine arrived to bring hope to the hopeless.

We can’t control how many suckers get born in the world, nor can we control how much malware gets released each day. But Atense Computer Vaccine controls what runs and doesn’t run on a Windows computer – authorized software runs, but malware, old and new, gets blocked at arrival.

“We’re giving you the opportunity to partner with us and have a piece of Atense by in vesting in us through our equity crowdfunding campaign. Please partner with us, and together we’ll secure the cyberworld for this and future generations.” – John Almeida, CEO of Atense.

Company and contact information are available at Atense Cyber Defense.

Media Contact
Company Name: Atense Cyber Defense
Contact Person: John Almeida
Email: Send Email
Phone: 972-767-7400
Country: United States
